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If you're new this week to Saturday Spark, hello & welcome! I'm so happy you decided to stop by for a bit. Two weeks ago I shared a little bit about idea behind Saturday Spark and a little bit about me. My intent is for this to become a community of like minded women sharing their ideas centered around home decor, DIY projects, household tips and tricks and entertaining.
If you're here for round three I'm humbled you came back and for your continued support!
If you follow me on Instagram you know how elated I was earlier this week when our couch was delivered for the game room / media room. We're making strides,'s been almost a year!
With all that being said, I did add a little bit of a speed bump in the project just this morning, when I shared with hubby that I wanted to do a little fun feature wall around the television {which is supposed to be delivered this weekend}. He needed a little bit of time to process it, because he probably wants the room done more than I do. Good thing is...he's onboard {happy wife, happy life}! I received this text from him this morning after he left for work, made me giggle a bit.

So what was going to be a completely different solo project this weekend, has turned into a DIY accent wall project that the two of us are going to work on together. If you interested in seeing what we end up with, follow along on Instagram.
Beside all the excitement and progress with the game room this week, I also worked on another simple spring time DIY from some things I picked up at Target when I was there last week.
Again, just four simple supplies!

I started with these faux tulips that cost $1 each. I found them in the dollar spot {always my first stop}

$5 set of two mini ceramic planter. These were in the Dollar Spot too!

Moss that I already had on hand from the moss bowl that I made a few months back.
Here's the Step By Step
1. Push three tulip stems through the bottom hole {if you have floral foam you could put that in the bottom of the planter and stick the floral of choice in that}
2. Once I had the stems through the bottom hole I cut them down and secured them with hot glue.
3. I let the glue cool then added a little moss topper.

And voila, we're enjoying a little floral potted plant for under $6.
I was having some fun with it around the house.
I tried pairing it with the Easter Garland I shared last week with this fun riser that came in my Decocrated box a couple weeks ago and then on the small wood riser I keep my my kitchen sink.
Which display do you like best?

A huge thank you to Amy for sharing 4 Home Economics Projects You Can Do This Weekend on last weeks Saturday Spark! I had three of the four on my list for the upcoming weeks, but will be adding photo organization. Check out Amy's blog Heritage Home ec.

Niky shared another fun and DIY storage solution. Farmhouse pantry crates, which I have already added to my never ending project list. You can find her "how to" on her blog The House On Silverado.

Let's Party...what do you have to share this week? Link up bellow ⬇️
I will round up what sparked inspiration for me every-week from your posts {below} and feature them on my blog, Instagram and/or Facebook in the subsequent weeks.
This week I will leave the party open from Friday - Thursday!

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