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Grand Unveiling: ORC Entry Saga - Where Fashionably Late And DIY Collide! Weeks Six-Eight

Updated: Mar 14

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One Room Challenge Fall 2023 - Weeks Six - Eight

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ORC Before and After

Hey there! Brace yourselves for the long-awaited reveal of our One Room Challenge entryway transformation. You know the drill: My Instagram's timely, the blog... well, it's fashionably late, as always. But trust us, the wait? Totally worth it!

Weeks Six, Seven, and Eight: A Symphony of DIY Triumphs and Trials

We had our fair share of trips to Lowe's Home Improvement (our second home, basically) and plenty of late nights during weeks six to eight. But let me tell you, what we pulled off was pretty awesome. We took ordinary baseboards and gave them a makeover, adding a touch of class to the entry space (I haven't told Skott yet, but I'm seriously considering extending the treatment throughout the house, they turned out that good!). But these weeks weren't without their challenges. Stubborn trim pieces and a horde of nail holes put up a real fight. Skott nearly threw in the towel (or, rather, the jigsaw) after a single wrong cut threatened our progress, sending us back to square one. But hey, every setback is just an opportunity in disguise, right? It forced us to face my arch-nemesis, the jigsaw, head-on, ultimately getting us back on track.

Despite the setbacks, juggling work commitments, and battling a pesky cold, we threw ourselves into the DIY trenches with the determination of a bulldog with a bone. Caulking, sanding, and prepping for paint became our daily grind, leaving our hands marked with calluses and our vocabulary colorful (mostly starting with "S" and "F", if you know what I mean).

Handy Products

Thank goodness for our partner in crime: our trusty paint sprayer. It made painting all the trim, paneling, and ceiling a breeze. Sure, it left a bit of Bohemian Lace paint in the air that took a while to clean up, but it was a small price to pay for the convenience. I attacked the upper walls with gusto using our trusty Handy Products, and let's not forget the installation of those two lovely light fixtures—one of which was so labor-intensive, it had me reconsidering my DIY ambitions and contemplating hiring someone for the job next time.

Amidst the chaos and occasional temptation to call it quits, we reached the pinnacle of our ORC adventure: the installation of arguably the pièce de résistance—the wallpaper mural. We were both nervous wrecks, but working together (it definitely took two of us), brought a wave of satisfaction and a touch of panache to our entryway. Sure, we had a couple of miscuts, but unless you have a magnifying glass on the wall, you wouldn't even notice.

Through laughter, tears, the occasional argument, and enough DIY drama to rival a blockbuster movie, we emerged victorious, with a transformed entryway that we are proud to call our own masterpiece. So, as we bid adieu to this chapter of our ORC saga, we raise our paintbrushes (and take a couple of tequila shots) in salute to design dreams, DIY triumphs, and the sweet satisfaction of a space well-transformed!



We bought most items online, including Lowe's supplies, either shipped or picked up in person.


Oh AND... we're thrilled to announce that we signed up for the Spring One Room Challenge, where we'll be tackling the dreaded garage. Stay tuned for more DIY adventures, laughs, and maybe even a few tears. Until then, keep dreaming, designing, and DIYing!

Trisha Sign Off

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Disclaimer: The experiences and opinions shared in this blog are solely those of the authors and should not be taken as professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional before undertaking any DIY projects or home renovations.

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